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We want you to be aware of corrections to instructions for two of the model sweaters this Spring '11 season. Be assured we have taken several steps to help prevent these types of error from happening again. A million thanks for your patience! You'll find these corrections and any others past and future on our pattern corrections page found under the quick links or patterns tabs on our home page.

Turia - Booklet #307

Booklet 307 Berroco Linsey™:
Turia, page 15

(Corrections are in bold.)

Materials: 4(4-5-5-6-7) Hanks BERROCO LINSEY (50 grs), #6556 Shell (MC), 3(3-4-4-5-5) hanks #6502 Edgartown (A) and 1(1-1-2-2-2) hanks #6508 Chilmark (B)

Please note that the Turia sample garments have been marked with the correct yarn amounts.

Jidai - Booklet #308

Booklet #308 Vintage™ DK & Vintage™: Jidai, page 15

(Corrections are in bold.)

Bottom left column - AT THE SAME TIME, when there are 66 (70-71-77-82-82)sts remaining on front and back sections, shape front neck as follows: Mark center 34 (34-35-35-34-34) sts on front section.

Next Row (RS): Continuing to work decs as before, work to marker, bind off center 34(34-35-35-34-34) sts, decreasing 4 sts across, work to end. From here you will be working back and forth. Continue to work decs at markers as before (decs that are worked on WS rows should be worked as p2 tog). AT THE SAME TIME, dec 1 st at each front neck edge EVERY row 12 times. When all decs have been completed, end on RS. P the next row, dec 12 sts across – 94(94-95-95-94-94) sts. Bind off.

Email Email us with your comments and ideas of what you would like to see in future issues. We firmly believe in good communication between retailer and wholesaler and hope that Insider will help achieve this goal.

Berroco, Inc. 1 Tupperware Dr. Suite 4, N. Smithfield, RI 02896-6815 USA
copyright 2011 Berroco