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Selling PDFs Through Ravelry

We’d like to seek your opinion about Berroco selling individual PDF patterns over the internet on Ravelry.
As most of you know, is the premier social networking web site for the knitting and crochet community. We have received lots of feedback from this community wishing they could purchase downloadable PDF’s. It is important to point out that Berroco would continue to produce and distribute our pattern books in their current paper form to retailers. The PDF patterns offering through Ravelry would simply be an added consumer service.

As an example, we could offer patterns contained within Norah Gaughan Vol 6 in 1 of 2 ways:

• As single pattern PDF’s with a retail of $6.00 each
• An entire book PDF (13 patterns) with a retail of $15.95

In the case of a single pattern PDF, consumers would be given the luxury of choice, however with premium pricing. In the case of the entire booklet, consumers would pay $1.00 above the Suggested Retail price offered through retailers.

Regarding either approach, our hope is to put more Berroco patterns into the hands of knitters and spur additional yarn sales for both Berroco and its retailers.

Or course, there is still a third option of not selling any PDF patterns through Ravelry.

Please share your opinion, comments and suggestions. We would not want to move forward without your support.

This issue of Insider provides you with an “advance notice” of Free Patterns appearing in an upcoming issue of KnitBits. Take a moment to check your shop inventory for these featured yarns. Need to restock? Please contact one of our company Customer Service Representatives at 800-343-4948. Or if you prefer, you are welcome to contact your local Sales Representative.

New KnitBits® pattern
Mail Date: 3/26/10

Norah and Cirilia talk everyone off the "work at the same time" ledge on the Berroco Design Studio Blog.



EmailEmail us with your comments and ideas of what you would like to see in future issues. We firmly believe in good communication between retailer and wholesaler and hope that Insider will help achieve this goal.

As always, thank you for your support.

Warren Wheelock, President
Berroco, Inc.